Flash Audio: Sound Fade In / Fade Out

Assuming you have successfully completed the previous tutorials I expect that I do not have to show you how to create buttons, import sounds, add graphics to sounds etc. In this tutorial we need to concetrate on the ActionScript that fades in/out the played sound.

Follow these steps to do this:

1.    Import a sound loop to you Flash Movie
2.    Give it a linkage ID ‘myTrack’
3.    Create to buttons. One with a plus sign inside and the other one with a minus sign inside. Place the on the stage like on the image 1.

Flash tutorial

4.    The plus button should have the instance name ‘fadeIn_btn’, the minus button ‘fadeOut_btn’.

The button should be placed on the layer ‘Content’. Above this layer, create a layer called ‘Actions’, select the first frame and open the Actions Panel (press F9). Paste the following code:

var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
var soundStarted:Boolean = true;
var lastPosition:Number = 0;
var id:Number;
fadeIn_btn.onRelease = fadeInSound;
function fadeInSound():Void {
    if (id) {
    var volume = mySound.getVolume();
    id = setInterval(fadeIn, 10);
    function fadeIn():Void {
        if (volume>=100) {
fadeOut_btn.onRelease = fadeOutSound;
function fadeOutSound():Void {
    if (id) {
    var volume = mySound.getVolume();
    id = setInterval(fadeOut, 10);
    function fadeOut():Void {
        if (volume<=0) {
            lastPosition = Math.round(mySound.position/1000);

About admin

My name is Mark Lewis. I own a few popular royalty free content websites. I have been helping musicians distribute their music for over 17 years now and wanted to use this forum to share thoughts and experiences and hopefully spark some discussion in regards to the distribution of royalty free music and royalty free content in general.