Free Music Clips from Vlad Rebek

I found another pretty cool site with free royalty free music clips today.
It is run by musical composer/enthusiast and experimentalist Vlad Rebek and he is offering a collection of his tracks for “joy or for profit, or both”.

You can take a look at his complete terms here

And you can preview and download his music starting here by click on the categories in the left hand menu.

And don’t forget to check out the free royalty free music clips at Partners In Rhyme if you haven’t done so already.

GoDigital Media Monetizing Music Without Composer’s Permission

I just want to notify our customers and composers that the GoDigital problem that we took care of with (monetizing Youtube videos that contain music legally licensed from Partners In Rhyme) is happening once again with another royalty free music library, this time it is

The problem appears to be effecting us to a much lesser extent than the problem but still we currently have about 7 loyal clients that Audiomicro’s actions have impacted very negatively. We are sending the customer complaints to our lawyers so that he can put together a case of “Tortious Interference with Business Relations”.

Partners In Rhyme is very tired of dealing with the customer problems caused by GoDigital Media and the chasing down of Youtube videos to remove false GoDigital claims so we are now blocking all composers who have their music in the catalog from any further sales or access to their PIR or musicloops accounts.

We are also no longer accepting any composer submissions from composers who have or have had music entered into the database.

It is regretful that GoDigital is promoting the Youtube contentID system as a royalty payment system to royalty free music libraries when it is only a system to monetize *illegal* uses of music, not legal ones.

I deeply apologize to the percentage of our loyal Youtube customers who have come to rely on our music catalog to use in their business promotions and projects but the actions of other companies are completely out of our control.
Also, please rest assured that you do have the legal right to use the music you purchased from Partners In Rhyme and we will do everything we can for our customers that have Youtube videos being illegally monetized by GoDigital to get their false claims removed as quickly as possible.

Mark Lewis
Partners In Rhyme

Download 200 Free iPhone Ringtones (no strings attached)


We created these ringtones specifically for our iPhones so that we could have something other than the stock ringtones or the latest iTunes hip hop track blaring out of our iPhones when someone calls us.

To be honest we tried to figure out how to sell these ringtones to iPhone users but it is just too much of a hassle and we’re busy with lots of other stuff so we thought we’d give them away.
No strings attached.
A collection of 200 unique, different, hip and cool iPhone ringtones for you to drop right into the ringtone area of your iTunes program and then synch up your iPhone to load them in.
Once your iPhone is synched up go to settings and choose a new ringtone.
There’s something for everybody here to check it out.

200 Free iPhone 13megs

Introducing the Partners In Rhyme Programmers

Partners In Rhyme Programming TeamJust wanted to send out a big thank you to the Partners In Rhyme programming team at Harvest Technologies.
We’ve come to rely on Guru and the team to realize all of our ideas and help update our websites and keep things running smoothly. Whenever we receive a feature request from our clients (which we do quite often) we immediately contact Guru and see if we can implement the idea.
We’re particularly proud of our latest website at which the guys did a great job from design and functionality to coding and implementation.

Also notice the Partners In Rhyme T-Shirts the guys are wearing in this photo.

Thanks a lot to Guru and Harvest Technologies and look forward to realizing more of our ideas with you and the team.

Free Royalty Free Music from Jaybot7

I came across this collection of 25 free royalty free music tracks from Jaybot7. They are fun tracks in a variety of styles with some pretty good guitar playing on some of them.
These tracks are available to download and use in personal and commercial projects completely royalty free. The composer only asks for a credit
25 Free Royalty Free Music Tracks

Here are the “small details” Jabot7 has posted in regards to using his music:

Small details: The only thing I ask if you use one of the following tracks is that you shoot me an email using the contact page, and give Credit to Jaybot7 LLC somewhere in the project.

Yes, you can absolutely use this in a commercial project (the kind that you charge money for). No, you don’t have to pay me anything. Just make sure you contact me and give me credit somewhere as stated above. The only thing you can’t do with these Royalty Free tracks is re-license or sub-license them (meaning, you can’t simply download them and start selling them as your own).