Copyright Free Music Clips from Josh Levine

Besides our collection of free royalty free music available for commercial use here:
Free Royalty Free Music, here is a collection of “Copyright Free” music clips from Josh Levine available free for any type of use as long as you credit. I doubt they are actually “copyright free” as that would mean that Josh no longer owns them and he would not be able to request a credit for them. I’m pretty sure he means “royalty free”.
There are 19 tracks in this collection of varying quality. With titles like “One Hour Garageband Tune #1” you might get an idea of how they were recorded.
Worth checking out though:

About admin

My name is Mark Lewis. I own a few popular royalty free content websites. I have been helping musicians distribute their music for over 17 years now and wanted to use this forum to share thoughts and experiences and hopefully spark some discussion in regards to the distribution of royalty free music and royalty free content in general.